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  • Slyngshot

Successful Biz Dev

Business development and tech sales is not an easy walk in a park, but rather an adrenaline sport compared to sort of a triathlon. Or better a combination of marathon, deep water diving and high-jump. According to our experience there are three main characteristics that a successful business developer has to work with: endurance, insight and flexibility. We do not believe in quick wins (although it happens😊) but in a dedicated and consistent work with clear approach and sense of responsibility. Thorough understanding of the offering and technology solution is a prerequisite of successful talks with potential partners, but on the other hand next to technical deep dive we stress the importance of helicopter view that enables to talk about gains that an actual software solution or platform is bringing to clients. And not to forget successful biz dev requires off-course certain know-how, good network of contacts, drive and passion for the work itself including high grade of creativity and proactive approach. Last but not least the right way of story-telling which is about true explanation of benefits rather than telling of fairy tales.

For us at Slyngshot business development is a daily routine and we are delighted to share it with our technology partners, so they feel comfortable on the go and not struggling during the scaling process. Successful business development is about checking the unknown unknown and this is highly important for tech vendors with cutting-edge technologies that are creating new needs by simplifying established work processes, communication, customer experience or enhancing security.

If you are in charge of sales or new business channels at your technology scale-up or software company and you are searching for a new colleague for your business team that is ready to start right a way and bring tangible value added in form of creating new opportunities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe then we should have a quick chat or exchange more ideas 😊 Do not hesitate to connect with us!

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